Amazon's £10 'anti-cellulite' coffee scrub is 'great to use before holidays'

Amazon shoppers have been snapping up a 'cleansing' £10 'anti-cellulite' body scrub that 'leaves the skin like silk'.

A pamper before going away on holiday is essential, and this Body Scrub Exfoliator is designed to stimulate circulation and improve blood flow, which helps treat the appearance of cellulite. The natural exfoliating skin scrub features dead sea salt which exfoliates away dead skin and other debris from the skin's surface.

With the ingredient 'sea buckthorn oil' the antioxidants aim to promote elasticity and rejuvenate saggy and dull skin. The product is 100% vegan, sulfate-free, paraben-free and cruelty-free.

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With a whopping 17k ratings online, 65% of shoppers have rated the scrub five stars. Many have praised the scrub for leaving the skin 'soft, supple and dewy'.

In the reviews, one shopper said: "I have been using this product for 3 weeks and it has worked. I have a bit of cellulite on my bum and upper back thighs and every day have been using a body brush for about a minuet in circular motions alongside this scrub after. Whilst it’s not got rid of it completely, my husband has noticed a difference in reduction and that pleases me. I have been using alongside a weight training plan so couldn’t tell you if this product works or if it’s a combination of everything, either way I’ll continue to use and most likely buy again. In 3 weeks I have only used half a tub so £15 every 6 weeks isn’t so bad but I guess if you have a wider problem area such as legs, it may not last you very long."

A second review read: "I am in love with this product! Dont hesitate to buy. I bought it for

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